
The most dreaded thing that happens to most women is happening to me!! Oh no~~~

Huhu.. my body is catching up with my age.. huu I hate it!!

All these while, I never bother much about this kind of stuff. I dun really take some of my time to really look at myself in the mirror. All these time, I just look at myself to complain about the new pimples coming out, the scars left on my face, whether the lipstick is decently applied, that kind of stuff only. I never really INSPECT my whole face to see if there are some new lines lining up my face canvas. I know I’m getting older day by day, but I don’t really think about it all that much.

And last 2 days, I accompanied Nurul (my officemate) to shop for a perfume. And she bought an Estee Lauder perfume worth RM210. And we were offered a complimentary make over for free for each of us. While the makeup is being done on me, the beauty advisor made a remark about my eyes. She said my dark circle is very bad, and there are fine lines there. I was well aware of my dark circles, but never take any action to cure/avoid it. And I never notice about the lines as well. So what she said to me really got into my head. My body is getting older!! Oh noooooo~~~~

She said eyes are the most sensitive part on our face so we really must take great care of our precious eyes. So that they will stay healthy and pretty for as long as possible. I decided to start doing it now. To take care of my body..

I decide to:

  • Watch the things I eat – watch out my cholesterol intake, eat healthy food
  • Healthy snacking – eat cherry tomatoes and baby carrots for snack, good for eyes n skin
  • Take supplement – bought evening primrose tablets
  • Put on hydrating mask once a week

I will work hard to achieve this!! Yoshhh..

hye hye.. mlm nih aku telah berjaya menyiapkan kotak makanan tengah hariku yang pertama. yatta!! inilah dia~~

whoopss.. silap. err nih onigiri bento yg aku bli kat jusco time aku xleh kuar lunch ngn lunchmates aku. kikiki.. bento yg aku buat sdr adalah seperti di bawah.. ngeee

deep fried chicken drummet, veggies, not-really-octopus-shaped-sausage and mini onigiri. tihiii my first onigiri ever.. x begitu kemas. yg bentuk bulat tuh adalah not intended. wahahhaha sbb melekat kat tangan da xde bentuk segitiga, so aku bulatkan aje cam onigiri shin-chan :P next time kena kepal nasi time panas2 dan tangan mesti basah, baru tak lekat kat tangan..

ble da siap susun, bleh tutup dan ini lah dia.. my bento!!! kya~~ excitednya haku!! ngehehehe. comey kan bento box aku ngn its matching chopstick?? kawaii...

ahh gousosama.. tihihihi walaupon ia adalah lunch box, tp sebab ni adalah trial pack, maka wajiblah untuk aku santap sebagai dinner.. ngehehee oisyi yo... liciinn :D

pasal apa tbe2 aku terajin nk buat bento?? ngehee baru2 nih aku da mula bz kat opis. baru ku taw nature boss aku.. jenis yg expect urgent task mesti complete within few hours yang dia da tetapkan. jadi da beberapa kali aku miss lunch. huhu sian kat perut aku.. dah laa pagi mmg jarang amat aku amek bekfest. mmg kebulur ler..

jadi itu psl ler aku nk start bawak bekal. so senang utk aku mkn on time. doc ckp mesti mau makan on time, klo x, mula lah hangin 1 badan, silap2 ari bulan bleh muntah2 siap. aku tamau perut aku suffer cam dlu lagi, cam 2 tahun lepas time jadi programmer cabuk. skang pon masih cabuk, tp da upgrade ler sket.. :P

haha aku tatau ler rajin ke tidak aku prepare bento nih. tp yg pasti bukan 5 ari semgu ler aku nk buat pon... ngehee