
Uhh aku rasa takut.. terasa bagai ada tali sedang menjerut ususku. Mengapa? Sebab tahun baru semakin dekat. Lagi 15 hari, muncullah 2010. Aku takut kerana masa depan begitu kabur bagiku. Dulu aku sendiri, kini masih sendiri. Bagaimana hari esok ?? yang lebih aku takuti, kadang-kadang aku tidak berperasaan pun terhadap perkara ini. Aku masih boleh relax, walaupun ramai rakan taulan sudahpun berkeluarga, dan aku masih sendiri. Tidak dinafikan, ada ketika-ketika yang aku akan terasa blues bila memikirkan isu ini. Tapi kebanyakan waktunya, aku masih bersahaja.

Dan waktu ini adalah waktu sahabatku blues datang bertandang. Ya, pastilah kerana 2009 sudah nak tutup kedai, jadi dia datang menjengah.

Bila blues datang bertandang, aku selalu bersembang dengannya, mengapa susah sangat jodoh nak datang cari aku? Sesatkah dia? Atau kami saling berselisih semasa masing-masing sedang membuat U-turn di highway? Atau dia sedang mencariku di kanan sedangkan aku sedang mencarinya di kiri? Atau dia sedang duduk mengutip syiling 50 sen yang terjatuh semasa aku sedang memandang ke arahnya lalu aku terlepas pandang?? Huu itulah dinamakan jodoh belum sampai.. ada juga kemungkinan jodohku sudah terkorban di tengah jalan? Sebab itu sampai sekarang aku tidak ketemunya?? dan pernah juga beberapa kali aku tersalah orang. mengapa aku ditemukan dengan orang yang salah? Sungguh banyak persoalan yang blues tidak dapat memberikan jawapan kepadaku.

Apa kurangnya aku? Burukkah? Terukkah? Blues memandangku atas ke bawah, luar dan dalam. Dia geleng-geleng kepala. Adakah kau terlalu memilih? Tanya blues. Aku membulatkan mata. Tentulah!! Balasku pantas dan tegas. Kita cari pasangan seumur hidup, mestilah kena pilih. Mana boleh main tangkap muat. Mesti mahu tangkap – ukur, muat tak? – kalau muat barulah sumbat. Kalau tak muat lepaslah balik. Pemancing ikan pun lepas balik kalau terpancing ikan kecil. Nak memancing, mestilah mahu ikan besar.. ikan apa yang kau cari? Jerungkah? Tunakah? Lumba-lumbakah? Tanyanya lagi. Aku tak mahu ikan besar, nanti kail aku patah.. kalau pun kail aku teguh, aku sendiri ditarik ke laut dan lemas. Aku cuma mahu seekor ikan yang cukup untuk kubuat lauk untuk makanan tengahariku. Kalau dapat ikan besar, Alhamdulillah.. boleh masak lebih bagi dekat jiran sebelah. Blues angguk-angguk kepala, mungkin setuju dengan metáfora yang kuberikan. Mungkin juga dia tidak begitu setuju, tapi malas untuk memanjangkan isu.

Aku memintal-mintal hujung rambut blues, sambil fikiran jauh menerawang entah ke mana. Sesekali aku mengeluh, seringkali disusuli dengan keluhan blues yang rimas dengan kelakuanku. Blues yang semakin rimas denganku, semakin menjengkelkan aku. Lantas kujentik dahinya dan lesaplah blues dari pandanganku. Aku mengeluh lagi.

Dari ekor mataku, aku ternampak azam sedang melayang-layang diterbangkan angin. Lantas kugamitnya ke mari. Dengan semangat sekali dia terbang dan duduk bertimpuh di hadapanku. Tahun ni teruk kan? Tanyanya spontan. Keningku terangkat bagai kening The Rock. Macam mana kau tahu? Dia gelak-gelak sinis. Dari batu 5 aku dengar kau mengeluh tak henti-henti, selorohnya. Aku mengeluh lagi. Dan dia tergelak lagi.

Tahun 2008, banyak betul pencapaian aku dalam hidup, mulaku. Azam mendengar dengan tekun. Tapi tahun ni, aku rasa aku tiada pencapaian.. kehilangan tu, adalah.. Aku menjeling azam. Wajahnya agak berkerut, tidak faham apa yang aku maksudkan. Aku tak nak ulas, kalau kau ingin tahu, pergi lah baca entry blogku yang lepas. Ujarku acuh tak acuh. Azam menjelir lidah padaku, mungkin tension dengan sikapku.

Tahun depan, banyak benda akan berubah. Aku akan balik ke main office, tidak lagi dihantar bekerja di client site di cyberjaya. Aku akan mula terlibat dengan projek baru, yang semestinya amat sukar. Dan mungkin akan ditugaskan pegang sekurang-kurangnya 2 projek sekaligus, sebab projek tengah banyak, dan team kekurangan tenaga kerja. Jadi, kerja akan semakin teruk tahun depan. Kemungkinan untuk kerja sampai malam setiap hari memang amat tinggi.

Bukan kah itu perkara bagus?? Bukankah itu yang kau harapkan sejak kau dipaksa masuk ke support team? Azam mencelah. Betul, memang itu yang aku inginkan, sebab kerja sebagai support, aku tak banyak belajar. Aku suka boleh masuk balik project team. Tapi, kalau terlalu kerja lebih macam tu, tak dapat lah aku tumpukan pada kerja luarku. Giliran azam pula menjongket kening bagai The Rock. Aku pun mengulas, macam ni.. aku dan kawan-kawan aku baru mula kompeni sendiri. Sebelum ni kami buat part-time, kerja dengan orang untuk buat duit lebih. Tapi sekarang kami dah mula buat sendiri, harapannya, suatu hari nanti software house kami akan maju. kalau nanti aku kena kerja teruk kat ofis, susah lah aku nak beri komitmen pada kompeni aku.

dan lagi, impian aku tahun depan, nak mula aktifkan dana pelancongan ke luar negara pula. walaupun malaysia banyak tempat menarik, tempat-tempat yang menarik hati aku, dah pun aku sampai.. pulau tioman, perhentian, redang, cameron highland, pulau langkawi (christmas nih). untuk tahun depan, aku dah pun beli tiket ke krabi/phuket. kalau panjang umur, sampai lah aku ke sana. alangkah best kalau boleh pergi europe ke, jepun, korea.. dan aku juga berimpian nak scuba diving, mungkin ke Sipadan (tapi mungkin ambil lesen di perhentian).

nah, banyak impian yang ingin dicapai. jadi memang aku kena berusaha jayakan T******h bersama teman-teman seperjuanganku.

hm.. bolehkah aku bertanya sesuatu yang off-topic? tanya si azam. aku angguk. mengapa kali ini gaya penulisan kau serupa blues? adakah kau baru saja disampuk blues? aku senyum. ya, betul. blues baru saja singgah memporak-perandakan perasaan aku. maklumlah, sudah hampir tahun baru. sebab itu lah aku boleh ternampak kau merayau-rayau, sebab ini musim kau terhangat di pasaran, selorohku. azam tersengih bangga.

tapi, gaya penulisan aku begini mempunyai sebab lain di sebaliknya, tambahku. aku bercadang untuk mula menulis. mungkin kau tak tahu, tapi sewaktu aku masih bersekolah, aku pernah menyiapkan 2 buah novel. hehe, walaupun tidaklah sebagus mana, tapi aku punya peminat di kalangan kawan-kawan adikku (dia curi-curi bawa novelku ke asramanya). dan sambutannya agak bagus, ada beberapa orang yang bertanyakan hasil baru dariku. tapi aku adalah seorang yang malas, setakat itu saja usahaku. dan kini, aku mula terasa ingin mula menulis. masih banyak yang perlu aku pelajari, dan aku perlu banyak ilmu untuk jadi penulis, jadi aku perlu banyak berusaha. tapi memang suka membaca. jadi, asalkan aku punya masa, insya Allah aku boleh jayakan hobi ini.

hairan kerana tiada respon dari si azam, kutoleh ke arahnya. lah.. sudah pun tertidur. agaknya terlalu bosan dengan gaya penulisan ku ini. perlahan-lahan supaya tidak mengejutkannya dari lena, aku lipat azam menjadi origami berbentuk bunga ros, dan kumasukkan ke pasu bunga. ya, pastinya tidak akan layu..

Tbe2 haku terasa nak blogging mlm2 jumaat nih. tggl sejam lagih bleh laa aku blk rumah, the start of my weekend. Yup, aku masih di opis. Time2 gni mula lah aku rajin merayau2 di ruang cyber. ohoho

Td Bart ada send email kat aku, psl otak kotor akibat makan sushi. Maka aku pon bacalah artikel tersebut, tanpa berani utk melihat gambar yg di attach sekali. hehe seb baik ada warning ckp gambo x best utk ditonton oleh insan berhati lembut cam haku. kiki. dan seperti biasa, time2 lahu macam ni aku mmg rajin buat research di tenet, carik laa pape artikel yg menyokong kenyataan ini.

Dan terjumpalah aku artikel ini: Is it safe to eat sushi? Menurut artikel ni, ikan mentah terutamanya tuna & swordfish (ikan todak..?) zaman skang nih da byk terdedah ngn pencemaran, oleh itu ikan2 ni da serap byk kandungan mercury yg semestinya mmg x bagus utk sistem badan manusia. masih bleh dimakan, tp dlm kuantiti yg sket aje. Menurut artikel tuh, klo seminggu da makan byk ikan tuna tuh, seminggu dua lepas tuh jangan la makan lagi, biar mercury level lam badan kita da turun, pastu bleh laa consume lagi. Macam tu lah lebeh kuang yg aku baca tu. Tak ter over rajin la plak nk buat kajian menyeluruh. Sekadar ckup untuk menyedapkan ati sendiri untuk terus menikmati sushi di masa akan datang.. :P Lagipon aku santap sushi ada laa 3 4 bln sekali.. itupon aku amek 2 ketul jek smoked salmon sushi. tekak aku nih blom ckup advance utk telan sushi mentah.ngehehehe

hmm.. tp cmn plak ngan pengambilan oyster yek? aku penah telan sbijik oyster mentah. err... perasaan yg sukar digambar. aku heran cemana omputih suka telan benda nih mentah2. aku cuba2 search, ropanya kat Mexico da kuar announcement bln lepas utk ban pengambilan oyster mentah, sbb ia mengandungi bacteria (yang aku malas nk search). da kuar announcement tuh, pusu2 dorg g telan oyster byk2 macam da xde esok, sbb nnt da ssh nk jumpa lg. macam ni ler manusia, yg xleh tu laa, lagi dia nk..

Ohh, 1 lg point yg aku nk share di sini, juga credit dari artikel di atas: sushi yg disediakan dari ikan yg telah dimasak, bagus utk kesihatan - rendah kalori, rendah lemak dan berkhasiat, asalkan kita berwaspada dengan pengambilan kicap dan bahan2 tambahan lain (err mungkin wasabi) sbb ini akan meningkatkan kadar sodium yg terpaksa diterima oleh tubuh.

sekian saja.. da hampir waktu balik yosh!! tak sabar tunggu esok, nk tgk new moon & ninja assassin. :D

[edited] uhuu da sahih pasnih kena buat sdr klo tingin sgt nk mkn sushi.. aku igt klo masuk sake direct masa masak nasi tuh baru dikira haram. dan klo guna cuka dia sepatutnya halal lah. tapi ropa2nya cuka beras yg dorg guna tuh sdr diperbuat ngn sake. huhu ku baru taw~~ wpon tatau sushi kat jusco dorg pakai cuka apa, tp da bangkit was2 tuh da x bleh lagi..

Japanese rice vinegar (米酢 or simply 酢(lit. vinegar)) is very mild and mellow and ranges in colour from colourless to pale yellow. There are two distinct types of Japanese vinegar: one is made from fermented rice and the other, known as awasezu or seasoned rice vinegar is made by adding sake, salt and sugar. Seasoned rice vinegar is used in sushi and in salad dressing varieties popular in the west, such as ginger or sesame dressing. credit dari[/edited]


Tgh2 wat keje neh, tbe2 terasa nk makan jeruk kelubi yg jual kat IZ Jeruk tuh. Pehhh mantapnya. Rasa ayak liur mcm nk nitik je skg neh. Ehee nmpknya time dinner break karang (aku on evening shift) langkahku akan panjang ke alamanda mencari jeruk ini. Dpt 1 bekas peno tuh walauehhh bliss~~

Pastu rasa nk google lak psl buah neh. Sbb budak team aku x kenal buah neh. Lam wiki info dia x byk sgt, gambo x included. Tp jumpa la.. Ble da tgk gambo dia lg laa tak tertahan2 keignan nk santap jeruk kelubi nih. Ohh masamnya~~ dapnye~~~ *drool..*

i still hv 10 minutes before balik time. huu this week is my evening shift week. so i get off work at 12 midnite. yea.. i hv it tough.. the work sometimes really tough, really boring. huu but i hv to endure it. this oct 28 is my first anniversary in A****o. come to think of it, this is the first time i stay this long in 1 place. hehe what to do.. i've been bonded. another year to go~~ azra, gambare!!!

hmm it's already october. we're coming to the ending of 2009. woaa time really flies.. many things, yet not much things happened. (err which one is it ady???) hehehe what i meant to say is, quite a lot of things happened. the most significant, the most major thing is, i lost a best friend this year.. it was really painful, i hurt a lot and was depressed for a long 7 months. (tho not the whole 7 months i suffered)

(i ady got home, showered and ready for bed - but i hv this urge to finish my writing. so here we go..)

when i knew i was going to lose my best friend, i was sad and lonely - normal thing. but then, when she was so suddenly gone, like totally gone, whoosh disappeared, i was totally shocked. like really really shocked. i was mad, felt like i was betrayed, frustrated. and thus depressed. after that i joined some outdoor activities, gain new friends, new experiences, and i somehow recovered. i learnt to forgive my now-ex-bestfriend. and i began to relax. this all are thanks to my best friend - Bart. my best girl since like 15 years ago. she gave me moral support and was there for me. really thanks Bart..

so for me, the saying - "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" really serves its purpose. i think i have grown inside. i learnt quite a lot. like i said before, i learnt to forgive her, to forgive myself, to love myself. i stopped being harsh to myself. i used to think that i am a hateful person. like i am the most annoying person on earth, that no one loves me. but really, when i'm in my normal self, i can think clearly. those feelings only came to me when i was really depressed. i thought, every time of the month, i will become a hateful person. but truth is, this month, i dun hv that time of the month. it is time, but none of the negative feelings come to me. you see, i'm totally recovered!! what a great relief.. i hope this stays.. i really hate those times of the month. i want to return being a carefree, cheerful person i once was. only thinking of my anime, manga, novels, living in my own little world. but heck, dream on.. not gonna happen. sighh

but well, the adult me is still ok. i still enjoy myself, tho not everyday is enjoyable, it's still ok. i'm happy with the current me - tho i still have blank spaces in my live. but heck.. i will fill in the blank spaces if i find the missing pieces along my journey. life IS a journey..
td blk dr keje, as expected jalan jem cam biasa. jem yg x teruk sangat, still bleh jalan. maklumla.. opis lepas awal sempena ramadhan nih, sume org nk blk rumah awal, samada utk berbuka atau makan malam..

masa tuh lebeh kuang kul 5.40 (opis aku lepas kul 5, tp kena tgu adik aku, dia bleh blk jam 5.30..) hari masih cerah. ohh lama sudah aku x kua dr opis time cenggini. x biasa lak ngn matahari petang terik lagi memancar cahaya. dalam2 jam tuh mula laa berpk benda2 yg jarang aku nk pk.. aku bersyukur aku masih lagi hidup di saat ini. aku bleh merasa hangatnya sinar matahari yg menyinari pipi kananku. (ohh keretaku masih blom tinted smpi sekarang. so whatever the sun got to give me, i wholly accept it :P) and ohh the sky.. whatta a lovely day today is. the sky so blue.. so brilliant.. clouds everywhere. err cumulus clouds if i'm not mistaken..

sambil2 pelan2 kete gerak, sempat laa aku snap pix ngn camera henponku. hoho i really feel good today. i'm better!!

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huh td dapurku banjir lagi. sedang lena ku terlelap sambil tgk berita jam 8, tbe2 housemate ku terjerit2. ada org basuh baju ke?? sapa basuh baju ni?? rupenya adikku si emma x tala belalai mesin basuh tuh ke luar, ble da wash 1 round, nk rinse, terus air melimpah keluar.. memenuhi ruang dapurku. dan akhirnya mengalir menuju ke blek yg terdekat, blek housemateku. huhu maka bangkitlah aku menimba air yg bertakung n mengemop segala. adehlaa

Last weekend I went camping with my best friend Bart. We went with a group of friends (who were total strangers at first, but soon we got there, everybody clicked together. Of course, most of them are Bart’s friends..) The destination is Sungai Lembing, Kuantan, Pahang. Saturday 00:00, we departed on a chartered school bus. Though I was so damn tired, I barely got much sleep during the journey.

We reached our first destination – Bukit Panorama (dunno the name is Panaurama or Panorama.. but I feel more comfortable using Panorama.. feel free to correct me :P ) anyway, we reached there at about 5am. There was already a group of elderly people starting the climb. The uncles and aunties and grandpas and grandmas, each of them with a stick and a torch light, fully-equipped with high-spirit began their journey at 5am. And us, after refreshing ourselves – go to toilet, etc, later began our journey. The climb wasn’t hard, but a pretty long one. Hehe we had to pause to catch our breath a few times.. by the time we reached the top, a lot of people already there. Malays, Chinese, Indians are all excited and chatty, waiting for the dramatic appearance of the Sun. Photo shooting began, then we performed Subuh prayer and waited for the sunrise, and more photo shooting. But we were not so lucky. The sun was hidden, maybe by cloud or haze, I’m not sure.. tho we missed the chance to watch the sunrise, I still enjoyed the view. Clouds are everywhere. Hehe reminds me of the adventure at Sky Island by Luffy and the gang. Hehe only One Piece fan knows what the heck I’m talking about.

Then we started trekking down the hill to our bus, went to Sg Lembing town and had breakfast. After our pick up lorry arrived, we started to load the lorry with our bags and whatnot, and also ourselves into the lorry. Whoa I tell you.. it was one hell of a journey~~ really the worst part of the journey. The road was small, rocky, uneven, winding, sloppy and whatnot. And we had to endure it for MORE than one hour!! Whoa my b*tt was aching all over.. huuu… After the hellish journey, we reached our campsite at around 12pm. We set up the camp, had our packed lunch, performed Zohor + Asar prayer, and finally took a loong afternoon nap. After taking our nap only we throw ourselves into the water. Ahh so refreshing. The water is not as I expected though.. but it was still ok..

That night we had BBQ dinner. Grilled lamb, beef and chicken, with nasi.. dunno if it was fried rice.. but it was really delicious. Both sauce for lamb and chicken also were fantastic~~ cayalah K’Jue!! We all had a very satisfying dinner!! Woohoo~~

After done eating, we hang around chatting, drinking coffee, kuaci, more coffee, more laugh, more coffee.. everybody was having a blast!! I stayed until 12, then took my leave..

The next morning, after some light breakfast, we began our journey to rainbow waterfall. We started trekking at around 8.30am and reached the waterfall at around 9.30am. The trekking trail was quite challenging (well, at least for me). We had to trek on rocky track, crossed small stream, hutan, more rocky track.. and walla we’re there!! A lot of people already gathered and in position. Here also people are excited and chatty. Everybody was waiting for Miss Rainbow to show up..

Around 10am (not really sure, maybe earlier) the rainbow showed up. Whoaaa everyobody was so excited and started to take photos. Then I climbed a bit higher to get a better view. And sure it is, the higher, the better view I got. I saw the rainbow very clearly. Subhanallah.. then I joined my group taking shower at the waterfall. The water was not really suitable for swimming.. so we just had a shower.. and there I can see really, really awesome view. I can see a clear mini rainbow in its full shape. err parabola?? hehe dunno how to describe it. if I move my head, the rainbow will follow my gaze. hwaa.... I was so lucky I got to see this view..

satisfied, we started trekking down to our campsite. after that we throw ourselves into the water, had another round of bath, packed everything, then loaded our bags and ourselves onto the pickup lorry. ohh this time, I chose to ride the hillux. hehe it shud be more comfortable than the lorry. or so i guessed... it was more or less the same.. huu the ride still rough. I got sand all over my face, in my mouth, and I started to cough a little, then they told me to go sit in the car. lucky~~~ wahhh it was so comfortable, got air-cond some more. Why din they tell me earlier, if they still got space in the car. Hehe but I enjoyed half the rough journey earlier tho.. chatting and laughing with the rest.

We reached Sg Lembing town at around 2pm I guess, then we hang around, had ABC (air batu campur – a type of ice cream, not sure the name in English), more photo-shooting, and finally at around 4pm we departed to KL.. tired as I was, I wasn’t able to get a nice long sleep. Only dozed off now and then. After having a rest at R&R, as we continued the journey, we began our karaoke session. Haha everybody (I think) was having fun. We reached KL at around 9pm, after a bit chit-chatting and said our goodbyes, we got on our separate ways.

I really had a LOT of fun. And made many new friends. Ureshii~~ (^_^)V
Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Clev eland ,Ohio

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me.It is the most-requested column I've ever written.
My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch. [nami] totally true [/nami]
5. Pay off your credit cards every month. [nami] this one is crucial!! ;) [/nami]
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it. [nami] uff ignore this one pls.. [/nami]
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck. [nami] failed to do.. U_U [/nami]
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. [nami] i neva resist choco, is welcomed anytime anywhere :D [/nami]
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what theirjourney is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; Godnever blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one isup to you and no one else
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no foran answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don'tsave it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, willthis matter?'
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything. [nami] baik.. [/nami]
29. What other people think of you is none of your business. [nami] ya btolll [/nami]
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'dgrab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
42. The best is yet to come.
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift." [nami] that's why it's called present..[/nami]

Last night I finished reading this novel by Melissa Hill - Before I Forget. I ended up sleeping at 2am, even though I have to wake up early for work. In result, I woke up at 9am and turned up at the office at 10.15am. Hee hee as long as there is a back up I don't have to worry about being late for work :P

Anyway, this novel is really an interesting piece of work. This is the first Melissa Hill book I've ever read. It was recommended by my little cousin - actually the novel is hers. Ehe. Nowadays I hardly buy any book - except for comic books of course. Ehe. And also Maeve Binchy books. These are my all-time-must-buy books.

Oh back to the book. In the beginning of the story I can't say that I immediately fall in love with the main character, Abby Ryan. She was such a loser.. Her ex was even more of a loser, such a pain in the arse(Caroline's words :P) But after I went on reading, I fall in love with all of it. Little by little Abby returned to her real self before she met the stuck up Kieran. She fought her brain condition, lived her life to the fullest and fell in love with the right man. And they ended up happily ever after. Ehe though in Abby's condition, I don't think it is that simple. There are a lot of hardship they need to be prepared. Like Finn said, for better or for worse. He knew what he was signing up to. Such a sweet lad.. I wonder if there is a person on earth like him. Huu I sure hope I will find a right man for me. Ehem.. Er anyway Abby was blessed.. Though she was tested with such a tragedy, she fell apart, then she picked herself up and continued walking, then was fast running, not running away, but running forward. She was so strong.. But that was because she had such loving family and friends.. Regardless of how she shied away from them when she was being a stuck up self around Kieran. She had a wonderful family, the best bestfriend, and an amazing man who truly loved her. That was how she survived. Though towards the end she was bit by bit returning to her old-depressed-self, but who wouldn't? After knowing her true brain condition, who wouldn't be depressed?? But somehow they worked it out.. Abby and Finn.

[edited] Hehe I sure hope this blog entries would help my writing skills bit by bit. Huhu today at work I created a mess because I misunderstood the word REVOKE. God!!! why din i look it up first? uhhh so malu.. T_T [/edited]
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Last weekend I spent my time being home alone. sigh.. I'm becoming more and more of a Himono Onna. Well, (bless) my company, we have a replacement public holiday on Friday (Agong's Birthday) so I actually got a long weekend. but having no money (i'm saving for family trip to cameron this coming weekend. yay!!), thus no plan. plus, most of my friends had their own agenda.. my best friend off to some mountain to climb (oh yes, she loves mountain climbing veeery much). my close friend off to Johor for a her friend's wedding, my housemates off to her hometown, the other off working even on weekend, and so left me home alone, having nothing to do. well, not really nothing. i really appreciate my time alone GIVEN IF a have a laptop with internet, novels and manga. well that makes me happy as it is. huhhh that sounds exactly like a Himono Onna....

huh but my main point in this entry is about Bloody Monday. well, i finished watching this j-dorama online, and it was actually pretty good. well, it is adapted from a manga. though i haven't read the manga before. haha my sister is head over heels for the main character. what's his name.. uh Miura Haruma (hehe i had to wiki) and mameshiba's also on cast. well, overall the drama is pretty good.

*alert from here onwards contain spoiler. read at your own risk. * :D

hehe after finished watching it, i googled a bit and found (of course) negative critics, which is quite true.. like how in early episode minami-san encountered the butterfly guy, she can actually capture him but foolish as it is, she just walked close to the criminal, like giving him a nice chance to disarm her and he got away. well, if it's not like that then of course the drama would have ended in just one episode :P

and also, in the end of the series, it was discovered that the real method the terrorists used to demolish the whole town (or country?) of Russia was in fact was a nuclear bomb, only then the virus. err.. this i dun really get it. 1, why the terrorists went to such trouble, the virus is expensive like hell, and the trouble to get their hands on the anti-virus. and in the end.. they actually use nuclear bomb? really i dun get it. hmm maybe you can say it's for plan B.. backup in case virus attack is to fail. but why in russia they already used the bomb? and the people in the church didn't even flinch when the bomb landed just outside the window. i found this weird...
tadi aku buat benda alah ni.. 43 Things Personality Quiz and found out I'm a
Creative Extroverted Lifelong Learner

quite unexpected right?? i din know i fall into this category: extrovert. i tot i'm more of an introvert kind of person. you see, even my zodiak reads me as a "shy, quiet, but can talk well" something like that.

these past few weeks i've been pretty sad and depressed. and i know perfectly well of the reason. which i'm not going to shout out loud. hehe here's a virgo girl for you. last week i read an entry blog titled: "What It’s Like To Date Yourself". and the writer spoke his mind based on his zodiak reading. and the writer is a scorpio. hehe that brings back memories. and he's absolutely right when he said: you'll never forget your scorpion man. but anyway, that's not my real point. i'm not going to talk abt my yesterday, but instead of the present me and the tomorrow me. well, since this is my blog, of course i'm going to talk abt ME. hehe i'm allowed to whine all i want.

after reading the writer's say, i search for a virgo's say. and i found this: Virgo Woman. it's not word by word describing me. but pretty much explaining me. tho many of the fine qualities i dun actually possess.

and today, i read something abt being your own best friend. truth is, last weekend i talked to my best friend on the phone for 3 hours. 3 hours okay... huhu but i dun mind the bill. it's not like i have so many people i have to call every day. apart from my mom, i seldom talk on the phone. i mean real conversation. not that a few minutes call per person, that doesn't count. well, my best friend had mention abt "being your own best friend. there is no one on earth that could be a better friend to you than yourself." and i have to agree with that. all this while, i never really been fair to myself. i never been really good to myself. in fact, i always do/say mean things to myself. i dun even love myself that much. i even love to belittle myself. i'm harsh to myself. and again, i'm not going to spell it out here.

well, when i'm in the right mood (huu you know how virgo possess this great mood swings?? maybe not all virgo, but i do..) i can be really nice and sweet. i can even confidently say that i'm quite a lovable person, that i have a few fine qualities. but when i'm not.. i feel like my head is filled with nothing but hatred. i feel like everybody hates me. that i'm the most annoying person on earth. and i would curl myself at the corner of my dark tiny heart, closing all doors. shutting down everything. i even strongly believe i am not capable to love. but deep down inside, i really want to love, and be loved. [edited] ehe bak kata Dumbledore: "Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love." Dan 1 lagi quote dari Dumbledore: "Your mother died to save you. If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand, it is love." Love can create a powerful charm - even Voldemort failed to penetrate.[/edited]

that is why, i need to befriend myself. be my own best friend. dont be afraid to love. with myself, i can freely love, without the fear of getting rejected, hurt, being thrown out in the dump, being unneeded.

but i'm still not sure how to accomplish that. physically, i think i had done quite well.. i took vacation, go to various places, have so much fun all the way, buy things for myself, buy things for people i love. i especially love my car, i love my mike, my still-not-here-patrick. but emotionally and mentally.. i still figuring out how to love and pamper myself, how to truly love my life. when i can love myself, i believe i will be one thousand times happier. consistently happy. when i'm happy, i can make people around me happy. i want to make my every day a happy day all year round.
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I want to love my job.. i dun want to use this H word. tho that's exactly what i'm feeling at the moment, i dun want to express it. i dun want to express how much i H my job. because i want to try to LOVE my job. i want to make myself to LOVE my job. really, i'm really blur about my new scope of job right now. but i'm working on it. working hard to learn and LOVE. because i dun have any other choice. this time around i dun have the option of 'looking somewhere else for a better job'. huhu because i've been BONDED. huhu what to do.. please LOVE ur job!!

I want to love other things as well. so many things need to be loved by me. for instant, myself. and my life. well i love myself, my life. but at certain point of times there is H going on inside my head. so need to transform it into love. oh what a busy person i am.. so much loving to do. hait gambare masu~~

that is all my whining of the day.. may tomorrow will be better. Amiinnn
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well right now i'm thinking about a suitable diet regime which suits me that i can follow until years to come.. i read somewhere, if u manage to follow the regime for two weeks, it'll become a habit. worth trying.. :D

basic guide lines (yg logik aku bleh follow):

- high protein breakfast, so u wont be freaking hungry by lunchtime

- eat small portions of frequent meals. important to eat something 2-3 hours before bedtime. but i guess must be careful what to eat. for me, 8pm is the limit time. try to eat light. and try to sleep early so u dun get hungry. if u do, drink plain water

- drink lots of water thru-out the day

- the same old things, avoid fried, processed food, avoid sugar, too much salt bla2.. well, simply put, never take too much of everything.

- dun put a concrete wall between u and food. u'll get more excited to climb the wall to reach out for the food. eat while thinking. huhu i'll try that one. my motto used to be: eat first, think later.

- well, what's more important than exercise??

daily eating habit:

breakfast - high protein: eggs, sausage, cheese, wholemeal bread, peanut butter, milk, yogurt.. err apo lagi?

lunch - err i'll need to maintain my current menu hehe. can't live without rice. tho i'll try to take less nasi, more green veggies, and grilled over fried, white meat over red meat, stuff like that. and no drink in between mouthfuls, just plain water after meal. maybe fruits before meal

tea time - 4 hours after lunch, grab 2 oatmeal cookies or biscuits, green tea

dinner - before 8pm: fruits(avoid orange fruits- mango, persimmon, papaya), prunes, skim milk, green tea, yogurt, sup sayur

well, what can i say, this is the hardest part. the easiest way is sign up at a gym center. but i'm going to be quite broke this month and this few upcoming months. well, what with my various travel plans ahead. ehem back to the topic..
jogging at tasik perdana after work 3 times a week on mondays, tuesdays and friday. perhaps saturday morning as well at tasik permaisuri? err tho that sounds IMPOSSIBLE for me. well just a suggestion.

that is all.. i will try my hardest to follow these for this 2 weeks and see how. yoshhh gambare masu~~
This post is copied straight out from Yahoo Shine:

Enjoy the read :)

It usually strikes around 10am and 4pm and then again in the evening. Perhaps it’s feelings of sluggishness or irritability, maybe the shakes set in or you feel like you are going to fall asleep at the wheel of the car. A boost is in order, so you turn to a mid-morning donut and coffee, late afternoon chips and soda, or a late night bowl of Haagan Daas Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream for relief. The logical side of your brain says “no don’t do it…grab the celery”, but the addict within you says “just go for it…it’ll make you feel better”.

In actuality, those little sugar (and caffeine) highs just set you up for a big fall a couple hours later. The introduction of refined sugar into your system elevates your blood sugar levels initially and you feel a surge in energy…temporary relief…but it’s false energy and short lived. It is followed by a crash a couple hours later when your blood sugar levels quickly plummet leaving you in need of another boost…thus the daily cyclical cravings many people experience for sugar and/or caffeine. It’s like a crazy roller coaster ride. Your blood sugar levels, rather than remaining constant and steady throughout the day, are continually skyrocketing and plummeting, leaving you with all kinds of unpleasant side effects. Treating these side effects becomes a necessity in order to function properly. After all, an addict needs their drug of choice.
It’s a pretty safe assumption to say that the majority of American people are addicted to both sugar and caffeine. But fear not…there is a solution. You can gain control of cravings without willpower or deprivation and permanently change your relationship with sugar.

Before we get into the steps to dealing with sugar cravings, let’s first talk about why sugar is so bad for you. It’s more than just rotten teeth and a big gut that we have to worry about here.
When I refer to this evil white stuff, I am also including any products made from white flour such as pasta, white rice and bread. These products are so highly processed that they lack the fiber and nutritional content of the original grain from which they were derived so they end up being metabolized in the body just like sugar.

Here are a few of the problems associated with the evil white stuff:

The Big Three: Cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Although the media has brought much attention to dietary fat as being the culprit in the development of these diseases, in reality, sugar is an even bigger problem. Cancer cells thrive on sugar!

Sugar and white flour products are devoid of nutrients (the processing strips them away)

Sugar and white flour products cause constipation (from lack of fiber). Just think of what happens when you mix flour with water. You end up with a sticky, gluey mess. Imagine this glop attempting to move through your digestive tract. It can’t. It clogs it all up and interferes with your body’s natural elimination abilities which leads to disease. If you aren’t having daily, sizeable bowel movements, you are constipated.

Sugar messes with your mind and emotions. Mood swings, brain fog, angry outbursts, depression and the like are all symptoms of excessive sugar intake.
Sugar impairs your sex life. People who consume a lot of sugar tend to have a low libido, have difficulty reaching orgasm and getting and maintaining an erection. (Not to mention the toll wild mood swings can take on a relationship in general. Just ask my husband and children what it was like to live with me while I was a sugar addict).

Sugar causes hypoglycemia, which is an under recognized condition that is a precursor to diabetes and can wreck havoc on your life.

Sugar affects how your skin looks. Premature aging, wrinkles and pimples are all by products of too much sugar.

The average American consumes 152 pounds of sugar each year. That is correct…152 pounds! One 20 ounce bottle of Coca Cola alone contains over 16 teaspoons of sugar. I cringe when I see kids guzzling down monster sized sodas at the movie theater. Sugar is completely addicting and it is everywhere! We all know the obvious places—cookies, cake, candy, ice cream, soda—but it is also found in just about every type of packaged food you can imagine—soups, salad dressings, meats and frozen foods.

So what to do? The first step to combating sugar cravings is to be aware of the negative implications that accompany sugar consumption. This awareness will provide you with the motivation necessary to instill better dietary habits. Now that you are armed with awareness, peruse the list below of ways to assist you in conquering the sugar addict within.

To Combat Sugar Cravings:

Drink more water. Many times sweet cravings are a sign of dehydration. Drinking a glass of water wakens your cells and gives you more energy.

Cut out caffeine. A gradual approach typically works best to avoid withdrawal symptoms such as massive headaches and grouchiness. Reduce your current intake by half, then in half again after a couple days, and continue until you have removed caffeine successfully from your daily routine. Replace the morning drug in a mug with an herbal tea, freshly squeezed juice or green smoothie.

Eat sweet vegetables and fruit. This helped me tremendously when I was cutting out sugar. My late afternoon snack became roasted sweet potatoes, beets and onions for quite some time!

Use gentler sweeteners. Use maple syrup, agave nectar, and raw honey.

Exercise daily. I can’t stress this enough. Exercise helps to balance blood sugar levels and reduces tension.

Get more sleep, rest, and relaxation. Go to bed earlier and practice de-stressing methods such as meditation, deep breathing, or gentle yoga stretches. When you are stressed out and tired, your body will want to reach for sugar.

Eliminate fat free and low fat foods. They are usually loaded up with sugar to compensate for the lack of flavor and fat.

Don’t allow yourself to get too hungry. You are more likely to reach for an unhealthy choice when you are starving. Frequent, smaller meals work well.

Eat a nutritious breakfast. It sets the tone for the day. Having protein, fat and fiber at your meal will release energy more steadily and slowly into your system, thus avoiding big swings in your blood sugar levels.

Add essential fatty acids to your daily diet such as flax seed, fish oil, and fish. Chromium is also a useful dietary supplement that is known to reduce sugar cravings.

Add spices: Coriander, cardamon, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves all naturally sweeten and flavor your food and reduce cravings.

Create a support system: Set a goal with a friend to cut out sugar and offer each other daily support and encouragement.

Slow down: Sweeten your life in non-food ways by connecting more with others. Talk with friends, touch others…hugs, massages…spend time in nature. When you are feeling happy and content you are less likely to crave sugar.

Most importantly, be accepting of yourself. Big changes don’t happen overnight. Take small steps and keep your end goal in mind. A happier, healthier, more energetic version of you is the prize at the end!
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yo minna~~ gokigenyou.. (hehe mei-chan's style of greeting. not marimite mind you :P err mei-chan is from mei-chan no shitsuji. waaa kakkoii rihito-sama.. *love-love*)

at last aku da create blog kat blogspot nih.. ehe. seblom nih aku selalu update blog friendster and utk update sensitive posts, aku update kat blog lain. hehe privacy thingy. i guess later on this will be my official blog. theehee am planning to spend a LOT of time with this. yoshhh

well great thing about blogspot is it is a tool from google. well, what can i say, i looove google applications. hehe been using gdocs, gtalk, gmail to the fullest. haha i especially like gdocs. tho i might be outdated but no matter, i'm loving it. and u dun hv to worry ur post got lost because of bad connection, since google helps u to save every few seconds. well, when i'm posting sensitive posts, i usually type first in notepad and only after finished writing i copy and post it to my blog entry. pre-caution u can say.. because i would hate to write about something sensitive twice.. duhh

haha now it sounds like i'm promoting google when everybody already knows abt its lovable features.

hmm what makes me suddenly so rajin to create another blog when i already own 2? well, it's because i'm excited about this radio widget. i like listening to radio but way before, i gave up the idea of listening to online radio, since last time i tried (err 3 years ago??..) i hv to sign up and everything. so that's y i gave up that idea. better to listen to my own collection of mp3s. but today i start to listen to this radio widget from my friend's blog and hey, i dun hv to sign up. wahh so good. (haha am i an IT person or what. so shame.. haha) so here i go, with so much free time on hand, and a few things to say in my mind, here comes my first boring entry. kukuku

i guess that's all for the first entry. ja bye bye :3

p/s: oh dun be discouraged.. this won't be a japanese-wanna-be or anime blog. promise i'll label every entry. so be sure to expect a few varieties. hmm that reminds me of something i read in some forum. it's about a korean hating non-korean for using korean words so casually and widely without the care whether the word is correct or not. hm.. well what can i say.. hate all u want. bwahahaha i'll use whatever language however & whenever i want. stop me if u want. i'll decide to stop or not. hahaha tho i dun use korean words, it starts to get to me. i have the urge to use "aishh" when i got pissed off(actually been using it quite a few times). and "omo" when got a bit surprised. but haven't reach that level yet. i'm still japanese-addict. hahaha. uhh what a dragged p/s.. okay, so long~~
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