yeah.. so it seems..
2012 is fast approaching. Haihhh I soon will be in the 3 series. Unfortunately, unlike BMW 3-series, it means bad news :P
Hihi even though I’m on this depressing topic, I’m not feeling all that depressed. Maybe the magic of being in the “3-series league”. It means “yeah, so what?” hehe I guess you can say being wiser. Or maybe just a simple i-don’t-give-a-damn attitude.
When I was approaching 20, and in early 20s, I was anxious. Of what would be lying ahead. Of what kind of future awaiting me. Then while living it, it totally passed me by. Before I knew it, I’m approaching the end of it. I am about to begin a new phase of life. Even though the current phase hasn’t changed much.
To sum up my life up till now, I haven’t accomplished much. I’m still a normal office worker, a salary-woman. I can provide quite well for myself and a bit for my family. I can go places for vacation (though for this purpose I am still not in the comfortable zone to go wherever and whenever I want). But because of my twisted priority and my ever-lacking discipline, I am still unable to buy myself a house. And I don’t have a good saving. And I don’t have a husband who I can claim back the money I spent on make-ups, shoes, dresses and such.. :P ahahahaha
Huh? All I’ve been writing about is MONEY?? ♬♬ It’s all about the money, money, MONEY~~ ♫♫
Haha yeah, so it seems.. my main target this coming new year is to save as much money as I can. Err.. how about finding a husband and going for vacations you ask? Tsk.. tsk... Hahaha of course these two are also listed in the target list, silly! Duhh.. LOL
As ever, my wants are never-ending, you see.. As a human being, this is NORMAL right? I want to live a comfortable life, I want to buy nice things, I want to go places, I want a nice husband and build a nice family. There are so many things that I want. But do I get to have all these? Of course not.. I am just being ambitious, that’s all. It’s not like I’m being greedy. I am truly blessed that I had been given so much. Alhamdulillah, ya Allah.. Syukur atas segala Rahmat dan nikmat yang Kau limpahkan padaku, ya Allah..
My years had been great.
But if I work harder, I can do better!!
So what do I want to achieve this incoming new year?
1. Save up money as stated in the newly re-constructed “Kira-kira 2012”
2. Get married (err like I said in previous years’ entries.. don’t u need to find the candidate first?? :P)
3. Lose weight (just for the sake of tradition LOL)
4. Vacations: bought air tickets to Tawau – will be going to Mabul island next year, insya Allah.. And also a plan to Beijing (will be depending on my friend’s availability. Not many people interested to travel to Beijing)
5. If (current_month > 9 && get_married == false) action = buy a house;
6. Hm….
Can’t think of other resolutions.. I still have about 3 weeks before the year end, so I’ll update this entry if I can think of anything else. Haha not that many things to be accomplished right? But, if you weight each resolution, hmm all points are really heavy and required great deals of effort and discipline. Yoshhh… gambaruze!!!!
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