Wyeee~~ just finished watching anime oofuri season 2 (Summer tournament). It was actually aired on 2010!! But I only found out this morning.. wuuu~~
And so I started downloading the series and watched it the whole day~~ hihi talk about himono onna @@. It happens to be my lazy day. Initially I planned to do some Raya shopping, but my sisters woke up late and I din feel like shopping anymore for it surely will be overcrowded.. sighh
Back to oofuri, in all there are 13 episodes for this season. Ahh.. I really love the boys and their games, even though I know nothing about baseball, thanks to oofuri I learnt a few things about it. Err but really, really few things ;) Of course I did some reading in the wiki to learn something about baseball, but I only read the most basic part :P Like there are 9 players in each team, there are four bases on the field, the team will score a run once they run around the bases and return to home, there are 9 innings to complete a game (this one of course I picked up from the anime), and the team with the most runs wins the game.
Ah.. suddenly I'm missing Slamdunk~~ When was the last time I read Slamdunk series? I can't even remember!! Yosh.. I'll bring the entire series the next time I go back to my hometown.
Again, back to Oofuri. This series started after the game with Tosei ended. Since they defeated the previous year's champion, Nishiura gained some attention and their opponent studied their data seriously, in order to advance in tournament.
Here comes spoiler..
The first few episodes showed their games with Sakitama High. Tajima was left with an injury after the match with Tosei. This led Momo-kan to re-arrange their positions. In this game Momo-kan was intentionally harsh to Hanai, since he always had his personal issues with Tajima, feeling inferior to the genius Tajima, he lost his own confidence and wavered.
Haha it was bitterly funny when he found his answer from Mihashi who everyday kept competing against other team members. How Mihashi practiced really hard to be the best pitcher, so as to secure him the spot of a pitcher, his spot on the mound. For Mihashi, being on the mound proved his very existence in the team. He truly believed, should Tajima try hard, he will be a better pitcher and will be positioned as regular pitcher. How dreadful the thought was for Mihashi. (Although he was the only one who thought that) Listening to Mihashi's struggle, it was clear to Hanai that whatever he felt towards Tajima, it's not a bad thing. Rivalry is a good thing, even if among the same team members. Gambare, Hanai-kun!!
Oh and it was really funny when Tajima saw Mihashi's expression after talking to Hanai. Tajima straight away confronted Hanai and accused him for bullying Mihashi. Kekeke how Mihashi stood up and denied it, and Tajima straight away like, "Eh what, so it's just a missunderstanding!" and it was settled just like that. ahahaha.. Tajima-kun really is a reliable friend (who acted more like Mihashi's older brother) .
Next, they played Sayama High.
Nishiura ended up losing to Sayama. In the first few innings, Sayama kept getting runs thanks to data gathered by their coach. They were able to predict Mihashi's pitches and kept getting runs. Mihashi however didn't lose his trust towards Abe. The team worked hard to catch up but when trying to catch the ball, Abe received a knee injury in 8th inning (I think). Tajima was then made the replacement catcher.
I was really moved when Abe so reluctant to draw from the game, for he had promised Mihashi that he will not get sick or injured for the next three years so as to catch Mihashi's pitches. For Mihashi truly believed that no one but Abe will be able to catch his pitches and to draw the best out of him. There was no word being exchanged between them, Abe only could grab Mihashi's wrist, really hard, his hand was trembling. Understanding that, Mihashi promised him he will get two more outs.
During pairing with Tajima, Mihashi learnt that all this while he'd been too depending on Abe, leaving all responsibility to Abe. For him, he trusted that Abe will lead him to every pitches and just throw without once shaking his head. During Abe's absence, he came to understand that there would be times that Abe would be wavering between two throws and would need to consult Mihashi on which one to throw.
All in all, though they lost, every one of them had grow and they were all fired up to grow even more stronger. Huu it's sad season 2 had ended, really enjoyed the series. I hope to see them soon in national!! <3
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