Last night I finished reading this novel by Melissa Hill - Before I Forget. I ended up sleeping at 2am, even though I have to wake up early for work. In result, I woke up at 9am and turned up at the office at 10.15am. Hee hee as long as there is a back up I don't have to worry about being late for work :P
Anyway, this novel is really an interesting piece of work. This is the first Melissa Hill book I've ever read. It was recommended by my little cousin - actually the novel is hers. Ehe. Nowadays I hardly buy any book - except for comic books of course. Ehe. And also Maeve Binchy books. These are my all-time-must-buy books.
Oh back to the book. In the beginning of the story I can't say that I immediately fall in love with the main character, Abby Ryan. She was such a loser.. Her ex was even more of a loser, such a pain in the arse(Caroline's words :P) But after I went on reading, I fall in love with all of it. Little by little Abby returned to her real self before she met the stuck up Kieran. She fought her brain condition, lived her life to the fullest and fell in love with the right man. And they ended up happily ever after. Ehe though in Abby's condition, I don't think it is that simple. There are a lot of hardship they need to be prepared. Like Finn said, for better or for worse. He knew what he was signing up to. Such a sweet lad.. I wonder if there is a person on earth like him. Huu I sure hope I will find a right man for me. Ehem.. Er anyway Abby was blessed.. Though she was tested with such a tragedy, she fell apart, then she picked herself up and continued walking, then was fast running, not running away, but running forward. She was so strong.. But that was because she had such loving family and friends.. Regardless of how she shied away from them when she was being a stuck up self around Kieran. She had a wonderful family, the best bestfriend, and an amazing man who truly loved her. That was how she survived. Though towards the end she was bit by bit returning to her old-depressed-self, but who wouldn't? After knowing her true brain condition, who wouldn't be depressed?? But somehow they worked it out.. Abby and Finn.
[edited] Hehe I sure hope this blog entries would help my writing skills bit by bit. Huhu today at work I created a mess because I misunderstood the word REVOKE. God!!! why din i look it up first? uhhh so malu.. T_T [/edited]